Personal Injury Attorney Discusses Airline Workers’ Compensation

aviation workers compensation

Hello and thank you for taking the time to watch our Claim Your Justice live Facebook session. The purpose of these live sessions is to give our viewers as well as the rest of the Facebook community valuable and useful information on a wide variety of personal injury topics. We want to help you Claim Your Justice. We welcome positive questions and comments. Visit or call us at 847-434-3555.

Airline Workers’ Comp Claims

Today I’m going to discuss the injury claims that airline workers may be entitled to make for injuries suffered while on the job. The range of employees that can suffer an injury varies from baggage handlers, flight attendants, mechanics, ramp service personnel, and even administrative personnel.

There can also be a scenario where a member of the flight crew can make an injury claim.

You can have an injury that’s suffered during in-flight turbulence. For example, a flight attendant may lose their balance during a sudden turbulence event and suffer an injury. Frequently, airline workers suffer lifting injuries, you can have a mechanic that is lifting a heavy part into place to install or remove from an aircraft and they suffer an injury to their shoulder or wrist.

You can also have a flight attendant who is lifting a passenger’s bag into the overhead bin trying to help out and be an excellent worker, and they tear a rotator cuff. You can have repetitive trauma type of injuries that wear down over a long period of time from constantly moving a body part. You can suffer what’s termed a repetitive trauma injury. It happens to your wrist, it can happen to your elbows, it could happen to your shoulders, it can happen to your knees.



Repetitive Use Injuries

Let’s say you have a mechanic that uses a ratchet wrench frequently for 5 years, they may develop carpal tunnel on the wrist, they may need surgery to repair that issue, and possibly they may not be able to return to their job as a mechanic. There are many issues involved in the calculation of damages. We’ll talk about that in a minute.

You have issues of venue, where you have a flight attendant or a member of the cockpit crew who’s traveling all over the country and possibly all over the world. If they were working for an Illinois airline, and they suffer an injury outside the state of Illinois, they can make a claim in Illinois. On the other hand, if they’re working for a non-Illinois-based airline, and they suffer an injury while in Illinois, they are entitled to claim their injury in the Illinois Workers Compensation Commission.

This can certainly be tricky, especially in an international type of claim where an injury happens while the person is traveling in Tel Aviv. It may also be difficult to determine where a venue can be if the injured person is not working for an Illinois-based company.

What Is An Injured Worker Entitled To

What is the injured worker entitled to? The injured worker is entitled to compensation for their time off from work while they recover from their injuries, especially if they need surgery. They’re entitled to having their medical bills paid. They’re also entitled to their future medical bills paid. Lastly, the big number is where the lump sum settlement is obtained for the type of injury, based on the permanency of the injury suffered.

That value calculation won’t be made until the doctor who’s treating the client releases them to what is called Maximum Medical Improvement. It’s also called MMI. Once that time is decided by the doctor, it becomes my job as the attorney to calculate the true value of that injury. Is it a small injury where the person has recovered 100%? Or do they have permanent limitations in the amount of weight that they can lift, extension of the limbs, etc?

Finally, you could have something called a third-party claim. Generally, if you’re injured on the job, the only entity you can sue is your employer. That’s the law. You can’t sue a fellow employee directly. You actually can sue a passenger, but it’s through a process called third-party claims.

The most likely example would be where a food service employee working for another company goes to deliver food for the flight and in the process of doing so loses control of the food cart, it hits the flight attendant’s ankle, and ruptures her Achilles. Now that flight attendant has two claims. The first claim against the employer for workers’ compensation. Then there is a negligence claim against the food service company. Generally speaking, negligence claims have much more value than a workers’ compensation claim.

When you hire Claim Your Justice for your workers’ compensation and personal injury cases, you’re creating a partnership. The more we recover for our firm, the more we make for our client. The fee is contingent, and that means there is no fee until we win your case. Remember, if you’re injured in any type of work-related accident, call Keith and Claim Your Justice. 847-434-3555. Have a nice week. Thank you.

Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses Workers’ Compensation

workers compensation



Workers’ Compensation Overview

My name is Attorney Keith Schindler, I’m coming to you with another edition of Claim Your Justice via Facebook Live on workers’ compensation. These video sessions aim to give our viewers and the rest of the Facebook community valuable and helpful information on personal injury cases and related personal Injury topics. We welcome positive comments and questions. You can always call us at Claim Your Justice, visit us on the web, or call 847-434-3555.

Today I want to discuss the nuts and bolts of a workers’ compensation case. You go to work, you intend to do your job, and unfortunately, you’re injured while doing your job, within the scope of your employment. Many workers are injured every day. The range of injuries can be from a simple soft-tissue type of back injury where you get physical therapy and injuries requiring surgery. It could be a significant back injury, where you have a herniated disc or related type of spinal condition and need surgery.

Rarely, but it happens, there are cases where a worker is permanently restricted from working. We have a worker’s compensation case where our client suffered an injury at work and is unfortunately in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Then there are also those sad cases where a worker is injured, and the injury results in the worker’s death. These incidents are unfortunate with different degrees of severity, but no one deserves to go to work, be injured on the job, and not get compensated for their injuries.

How Workers’ Compensation Got Started

From a quick historical perspective, workers’ compensation cases grew out of the type of working conditions in the early 1900s when they were building, for example, the Empire State Building. There weren’t many rules regarding worker safety, and workers were being injured, maimed, and killed without getting fair compensation, or for that matter, any compensation for their injuries. That’s the basic evolution of these workers’ compensation cases.

Workers’ Compensation Laws Are Different in Each State

Workers’ compensation laws vary from state to state. Essentially, they have their court system to administer the workers’ injury claims. Those cases do not make it to a court or a judge as we understand them in everyday conversation unless they’re appealed outside of the workers’ compensation venue. In Illinois, workers’ compensation cases are filed in the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission.

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development in Wisconsin hears worker’s injuries. I’m licensed in both Illinois and Wisconsin. In Kentucky, where one of our attorneys is licensed, those injury cases are heard within the department of workers’ claims. The general rule is that an injured worker is entitled to a few elements of damages. First, they are entitled to compensation for the time they missed from work. Generally, that’s at two-thirds of their regular salary, which is determined by having taxes withheld from your paycheck when you work.

When you’re not working, you don’t have to pay employment taxes, your employer doesn’t have to pay employment taxes, so you get roughly two-thirds of your check. You’re also entitled to get your medical bills paid. That makes sense. There are often disagreements between the worker and the doctors treating the worker and what type of services are needed. That is a discussion for another time, but you’re entitled to get your medical bills paid.

Finally, you’re entitled to compensation for the permanent nature of your injury. Suppose you went to work one day, went home from work, and were no longer able to walk anymore, or now walk with a permanent limp, or experience any permanent injury. In that case, you are entitled to compensation for the permanent nature of those injuries.

You Must Communicate the Injury to Your Employer

When injured on the job, it’s necessary to communicate the injury to your employer. Some people don’t do that. They’re injured on the job and don’t want to miss their paycheck. They don’t understand workers’ compensation rules. They worry that they may be fired if they make a claim.

So, the worker decides to continue going to work. The pain continues to ache throughout their back, shoulder, and ankle daily, but they decide to continue to go to work because they want to get paid. Then a few weeks later, the worker realizes the injury is too severe to work through it and that they need to report it now. They go to their supervisor and explain that they were injured. When the supervisor asks when the injury occurred, and the worker says five weeks ago, it is more complicated.

You can still assert the claim, but it is more difficult to protect the claim. My advice is that when you’re injured, make sure you report it to your supervisor. The best way to do so would be to send an email. Most injuries are reported orally to a supervisor. Then there is typically a report that’s made, and you may be contacted, depending on the size of your company, by the workers’ compensation representative.

Seek Medical Treatment Immediately

The next thing is to seek medical treatment, this is obvious, but there’s a push and pull because companies want to preserve their expenses. The companies don’t necessarily want their workers’ compensation premiums to go up. So, there is sometimes a prejudice, let’s call it, where the employing medical group may say, “Do a little less medical work, maybe take a couple of Advils for a week, let’s see if that fixes your pain.”

Well, that will benefit the employer, not you, the employee. When you get medical treatment, and assuming it’s authorized, it will get paid. If it’s not authorized, the argument points to necessity. If the employer disputes that it was necessary, there are hearings that you can motion up before the commission and present your argument as to why the employer should pay your medical bills.

Follow The Doctor’s Instructions

When you go to a doctor, the doctor will evaluate you and give you a doctor’s work authorization. It could say no lifting more than five pounds, only light work if you’re a truck driver, no driving for more than five miles. Well, that’s not realistic, but it could say that. Your job as the injured worker is to make sure you follow that doctor’s advice.

If the doctor says you should go to work and feel you can’t go to work because you’re too injured, the doctor didn’t authorize you to miss work, and you risk getting fired by your job. You don’t have a valid reason to be missing work. You have a doctor who’s treating you. He’s an expert. He’s a medical doctor, he’s licensed, and he says there is no reason for you not to be working. You, as the employee, say, “I’m injured. I can’t go to work”.

You may face a situation where you get terminated from your job and have difficulty seeking relief for future employment. Remember, it’s not going to affect your workers’ compensation claim, but it could affect your status as an employee with the company. That’s the risk of not following the assignment. There’s also light-duty work. The problem with light-duty work sometimes is that not every job has light-duty available. If you’re a laborer and you’re lifting materials from one part of the warehouse to another part of the warehouse, and your doctor says no lifting over 10 pounds, the employer may not have any light-duty work for you to do.

Make sure you follow the doctor’s advice regarding the work restrictions. Generally, when we get to a settlement on a workers’ compensation case, my clients have completed their treatment. The doctor has determined that the client had something that we call MMI, maximum medical improvement. At that point, I, as the lawyer, can review the medical records and make a proper evaluation as to the entitled compensation for my clients.

If I have a client who requires many more weeks or months of treatment, the employee is not at maximum medical improvement. Therefore, I’m not able to settle their case. Of course, the lawyer and the client have some push and pull because the client wants to get the settlement money right now. I understand that, and we work as quickly as we can. But I’m also not in the business of selling my clients short. I want to make sure I get the maximum compensation for each of you who are my clients.

Contact Our Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Today

Please know that workers’ compensation cases can be complex. Many rules apply. I do not recommend that you try to handle workers’ compensation by yourself. There could be a medical treatment that you’re entitled to that you’re not getting. So please call us so you don’t make any mistakes that could cost you your compensation.

If you’re injured in any work, accident, car accident, trip, fall, medical malpractice, or wrongful death, let Claim Your Justice help you. Call 847-434-3555. We’re here to help you Claim Your Justice. Thank you. This has been Keith Schindler, have a successful rest of your week.