Personal Injury Attorney Keith Shindler Discusses The Highland Park 4th of July Tragedy


Hello, good afternoon. I’m attorney Keith Schindler from the law firm of Claim Your Justice. During these regular Facebook Live sessions, we generally provide our viewers and the rest of the Facebook community with valuable and useful information on how to Claim Your Justice. Not today.

Today, my only goal is to remember those who lost their lives and were injured in Highland Park yesterday at our beautiful, what was to be expected Fourth of July parade.

My family and I are members of the Highland Park community. My wife, my brother, and I were all at the parade staging area with the parade participants a few blocks away from the tragedy and heard the gunshots.

We saw a swarm of terrified innocent people coming toward us from the parade route. I will never forget the images, the crime, and the look of fear on everyone’s faces.

I appreciate beyond words, the first responders to many police departments to many fire departments, paramedics, and all their professionals who helped our city during this crisis.

I also appreciate the private citizens who are providing any help they could. July 4 2022 was a very sad day and one that never none of us will ever forget.


Claim Your Justice stands strong with the City of Highland Park, and our prayers go out to all those affected by yesterday’s tragedies.

Thank you